Black Lives Matter Mural Defaced In Brooklyn
I am white. And so, I feel a little hesitant in posting this. But I will anyway. First off, I want to say that I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement. I even brought my daughter to a rally in our town. True, there wasn't a single black face in the crowd, but we meant well. Then I saw the Bevelyn Beatty interview on Youtube. That shattered my world. Here was a black woman opposing BLM. I was confused. Then I was angry. Then I was confused again. In the end, I realize it's her place to say the things she said, and not mine. It's not my experience being black, and I can only listen. But she says things that are totally in contrast to what most black people think and believe about Black Lives matter. Bevelyn defaced the mural in Manhattan and other boroughs because she strongly believes that the movement is not about helping black people. It's not my place to agree or disagree. Bevelyn Beatty and other black men and women are the ones we should be listening to....